On the Easel
Persistence - The Unstoppable Force
May 07, 2024
By William Mangum
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Persistence - The Unstoppable Force

Grit - Determination - Tenacity - however you describe it is persistence that becomes the driving force behind success.   It is the unwavering determination to keep pushing forward, even in the face of challenges and setbacks, that separates those who reach their dreams from those who fall short.

  • History is filled with stories of individuals who achieved great things because they refused to be deterred by failure or obstacles. From Thomas Edison's countless attempts before inventing the light bulb to J.K. Rowling's rejection letters before publishing Harry Potter, these examples remind us of the transformative power of persistence.

  • When we embrace persistence, we tap into a reservoir of inner strength and resilience that propels us towards our goals. It is the fuel that drives us to keep going, to keep trying, and to keep believing in ourselves, even when others may doubt us.

  • By cultivating a mindset of persistence, we can overcome challenges, break through barriers, and ultimately make a lasting impact on the world around us. Remember, success is not always about being the most talented or the smartest - it's about being the most persistent.

"Persistence is the cornerstone of greatness, shaping ordinary moments into extraordinary achievements and reminding us that every step forward, no matter how small, contributes to the journey of success."

ART Seedlings
July 23, 2023
By William Mangum Fine Art
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Embracing Mistakes And Using Them To Grow As An Artist

As I reflect on my career as an artist, one of the most valuable lessons I have learned is the importance of embracing mistakes and using them as stepping stones for personal growth. Early on in my artistic journey, I used to fear making mistakes, believing they would hinder my progress and define me as a failure. However, over time, I realized that mistakes are not indicators of incompetence but rather opportunities for improvement.

Each mistake I made allowed me to analyze what went wrong and uncover areas where I needed to develop my skills further. Instead of being discouraged by these missteps, I started viewing them as valuable lessons in disguise. Embracing mistakes also taught me humility and resilience; it reminded me that even the most accomplished artists make errors along the way.

By acknowledging my mistakes and actively seeking ways to rectify them, I was able to grow both technically and creatively. This mindset shift not only boosted my confidence but also expanded my artistic horizons. It encouraged me to take risks, experiment with different mediums, and explore new techniques without fear of failure.

To inspire high school artists, it is crucial for them to understand that mistakes are an integral part of their artistic journey. Encouraging them to embrace their missteps will foster a growth mindset that will serve them well throughout their careers.

February 26, 2023
By William Mangum Fine Art
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Ah, it's Winter once again, the pace slows for many unless you are in retail or preparing for the Holidays.  So much to attend to, so much you want to achieve for your family and friends.  Just the spirit of the Season makes you want to accomplish much.

For me as I set out into the countryside after a freshly fallen snow there is such a peacefulness to it that I can hardly describe.  The crisp air alone strips away much of the distraction and as you pause and look around nature lays bare in its simplicity.  I love the contrast that only this season can provide.  It makes the landscape elementary, just the abc's of importance.  

As I gather inspiration from a current outing to reflecting on inspiration from season's past I always delight in the pleasure of painting this time of year.  But now I have also added a new direction to my venue.  Incorporating this theme into a contemporary stylization that makes me look at my creations in an even more enlivened manor.  Taking the hues and textures of this time of year and incorporating them into scenes like "Ice Capades" or "Frostbite".  

I hope you will take a moment and enjoy these latest creations.  It's been a joy to create and share them with you.  Now it's time to put another log on the fire!  Cheers.

POINT OF VIEW - An Artist Perspective • New Works - New Show
October 07, 2021
By William Mangum Fine Art
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Opening Receptions  

Thursday and Friday, November 11 and 12 from 4 to 7pm

When you take a moment to observe a painting; your point of view always comes into play.  Whether it was the artists intent to draw you into a landscape or entertain you with the edges of a marvelous new contemporary work, artists are most often intentional about the subject, composition and palette of colors.

One of the delights I find is that everyone has a point of view!  And many times it does not match up to the particular direction I intended to share; matter of fact it can be the opposite! To my pleasure collectors bring a new perspective to my work that I never considered. It becomes a dance as we muse over the painting and it unique characteristics. 

I often times enjoy taking the inspiration from my landscape paintings and in turn create bold contemporary works with the same texture, color and pattern.  The  highlight of these works can be a multitude of abstract works with flowing lines or symmetrical harmony I observe from the work around me. 

This fall I have put together a unique blend of landscapes and contemporary works.  Come and join me as we toast my most colorful show to date!

The Art of a Commissioned Painting
September 01, 2021
By William Mangum Fine Art
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Bill do you ever do a commission for someone?

 It's a question that I often get and the answer is - yes!

For more than forty years I have made my way to my Studio most days eager to create and expand on a myriad of topics and subjects.  Truth is, I typically am working more than a year in advance towards certain exhibitions and commitments.  So you may ask, "when in the world would you have time to do a commission for someone?"  Answer is: more often than you think.  On average I do about six to ten commissions annually.  They range from both my traditional style to my more contemporary work.

Often times collectors have been looking for a particular subject, size or palette to compliment the decor of a particular room.  And as often as one may search sometimes it's easier and more satisfying to have an artist create a piece specifically for you.  That is where my talent comes alongside your vision.  You may have a picture that relates to you, maybe its a space over the sofa that's large or you have a extraordinarily Persian rug that you want the art to compliment.  Well, I love the challenge and forethought of what it takes to pull off such a specific painting.

Recently I was asked by Julia Wittenberg to create a painting for their mountain retreat at Hound Ears near Grandfather mountain.  She wanted to surprise her husband Bill for Christmas with a beautiful painting of the mountain vista they get to admire each evening.  With just her handful of her photos I put together my thoughts and captured it in this small video, music by the great James Taylor.

As they say a picture is worth a thousand words and several give you the insight in what turned out to be a stellar Christmas surprise!

Watch the creation of this "Grandfather Mountain" commission

Tags: commission