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February 26, 2023
By William Mangum Fine Art
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Ah, it's Winter once again, the pace slows for many unless you are in retail or preparing for the Holidays.  So much to attend to, so much you want to achieve for your family and friends.  Just the spirit of the Season makes you want to accomplish much.

For me as I set out into the countryside after a freshly fallen snow there is such a peacefulness to it that I can hardly describe.  The crisp air alone strips away much of the distraction and as you pause and look around nature lays bare in its simplicity.  I love the contrast that only this season can provide.  It makes the landscape elementary, just the abc's of importance.  

As I gather inspiration from a current outing to reflecting on inspiration from season's past I always delight in the pleasure of painting this time of year.  But now I have also added a new direction to my venue.  Incorporating this theme into a contemporary stylization that makes me look at my creations in an even more enlivened manor.  Taking the hues and textures of this time of year and incorporating them into scenes like "Ice Capades" or "Frostbite".  

I hope you will take a moment and enjoy these latest creations.  It's been a joy to create and share them with you.  Now it's time to put another log on the fire!  Cheers.

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