Thinking of you.
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April 17, 2020
By William Mangum Fine Art
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 I thought I would take a moment and share some thoughts and share some inspiring images I created.  These are difficult times but they do not have to define us.  A good friend of mine, Ralph Marston writes daily inspiring prose.  I found this one particularly encouraging in light of our current circumstances.

Life will not unfold exactly the way you'd like it to. Of that you can be certain, no matter how much care and effort you put into arranging your affairs.

But that doesn't mean you must be unhappy when things fail to go your way. Indeed, your biggest disappointments can often, eventually, lead you to your most profound joys.

Here's a strategy you might want to consider. Take everything in stride.

Yes, plan, prepare, do the work, give your best. Then be thankful for the result, including all the unforeseen consequences.

Your fate won't ever be precisely the way you envisioned it. Still, it is yours, it is something, and you're better off living and enjoying it, than cursing it.

Let life be the way it has come to be. And let yourself find something good, useful, joyful, and thankful to do with every precious moment.

Wishing you the very best today, Bill

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