It's all in the POUR !!!
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November 17, 2020
By William Mangum Fine Art
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Acrylic has provided some lively and entertaining works this year but there has been a particular aspect that I have throughly enjoyed.  It's actually "pouring" the paint onto the canvas.  This large colorful pieces certainly capture your attention from across the room and the more you gaze into them the more entertaining they become.  Below are a few pictures sharing some techniques I use as well as works in progress.  

The first order of business is to prep my canvas by stretching it among four stools.  These stools will be pushed and pulled allowing me to manipulate the direction of the paint as it flows off the canvas. "Well - kinda sort of!"  Next I determine my palette of colors and pre mix them into one gallon containers making sure that I have enough on hand to complete the project.  

I use a variety of cup sizes to direct the flow and as I pour one layer of color on top another, that's when the "magic" happens.  Depending on the viscosity (thickness) of the paint they play with each other on the surface creating the most interesting effects.  It's here that I could never imagine some of the amazing translucent colors that come about and how they align themselves, almost playing peek a boo with each other.

After I compete the pours I have the painting stretched then come back and paint over some of the pours, making some more pronounced and having others recede.  This summer I spent six weeks on the project and created twelve fabulous works.

I hope you will find a window to stop by the Studio sometime and take a look at some of them.  There is nothing quite like seeing them in person!

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